Sunday, June 24, 2012

Foretell is on Sale!

Hey friends!

Amazon was about to give me a heart attack. I had soooo many difficulties getting this book online. But it is finally available and I'm very proud and excited to share it with you!

I didn't include a forward in the book. I'd like to do so here.

To My Readers,

Foretell is for you. Couldn't have done it without you-- that's the truth. When I wrote Wanderlove, I was extremely shy about my writing and didn't have much faith in myself. But somehow along the way, after reading all your comments, emails and praise (whether it be good or bad) I became more confident. So thank you, thank you, thank you. A million times thank you.

If you go back to one of my very first blog posts (here) I talked about being a closet writer. Writing is so exposing, but not always in a bad way. Every time I write, I share a little piece of my heart.  Don't roll your eyes at my cheesiness! Because I mean it :) The point I was getting at was that facing my fears was worth it. Even if I touched someone in a small way, such as entertaining them for the evening-- I'll know that I did that. And it means more to me than you could ever imagine.

I hope you all enjoy Rex and Essie's story as much as I enjoyed writing it. Their story truly is for you.



PS: Forgot to mention-- you can now purchase Foretell from Amazon HERE!

Print copies should be available soon :)


  1. Oh, Oh, wonderful child!!! You don't know how happy I am to get Foretell!! I reread Wanderlove last night in anticipation for Foretell. I just checked Amazon and downloaded it to my Kindle. Just between you and me, I am at work, but since it will also be on my iPod....need I say more... I can't wait. Keep up the wonderful writing!!
    big hug

    1. Thanks, Geri! I hope you enjoy the book (but don't get in trouble ;)

      Best Wishes,


  2. Oh, I can not wait to read this one.! Now I know I'm a little behind but is there a reason why I can not purchase Wanderlove as an ebook for my nook.? I've searched your name and the title and it says it can't be found. If you have any ideas on how to fix it please let me know. I would love to read it. xoxo Lena

    1. Thanks for stopping by, Lena! I'm sorry you cannot purchase from the B&N store right now. Currently, I'm under an exclusivity contract with Amazon. However, I've heard from others you can download the kindle app on your nook and buy Amazon books that way. Hope that helps!

      xoxo Belle

  3. Oh it was such an amazing story! I just started Wanderlove last week and finished Foretell yesterday. I'm so sad that I have to wait for your next one though. But I'm going to say now that I'm disappointed that I heard there will only be four books because I really hate endings. I can't wait to see what comes next! Xo Alycia

    1. Aw yay! I'm so glad you enjoyed both books. Thanks for stopping by, Alycia!
