Wednesday, June 13, 2012


Hey friends!

If you've passed by my blog before you may notice some changes have been brewing. One of things I would like to point out is that Foretell has its very own page (see above). This is all very exciting for me because I made a playlist to go along with the book. I know, I know. It's just a playlist, but I adore music. Plus, I wanted you all to hear what I was listening to while working on Foretell. My favorite artist on this list is Ed Sheeran. I discovered one of his songs while watching The Vampire Diaries and have been a fan of his music ever since. Speaking of TVD, did you guys see the finale?? One word to sum it up: CRAZY.

So anyway, back to the subject at hand. I have another surprise for you guys too. By clicking on Foretell's page, you'll be able to sneak a peek at an excerpt. Let me know what you think! I love all your comments!

I hope you enjoy the music and the book. It will officially be released on Amazon June 24, 2012.

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